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Story of Shree Krishana and Sudama

Krishana and Sudama
Lord shree Krishana and Sudama studied at guru Sandipani's Asharam.They were close friends.After studies,Lord Krishana became the ruler Dwarka and Sudama remained a poor Brahmin.Sudama was living in poverty.One day Sudam's wife said,"why don't you go and meet your friend Krishana.He will certainly help you and we can live happily."
         Sudama reluctantly went to meet his old friend Krishana.His wife gave him a small bag of beaten rice as present to krishana.
          On reaching Dwarka ,the royal guards would not let Sudama enter the palace.He was dressed in rags.They made fun of him.But one of the guards went to Krishana and told him about Sudam's arrival.On hearing sudama's name Krishana left his throne and started running bare-footed to meet his dear old friend.The guards were convinced that what Sudama had said was true.
             Krishana embraced his old friend and took him ti his palace.Krishana made Sudama sit on a seat and began to wash his feet which were bleeding and full of thorns.Then Krishana took him to his bedroom and made him lieon his couch.He began to press his friend's tired feet.
          After seeing the luxury in which Krishana lived,Sudama hesitated to give him the beaten rice, Krishana said,"My sister must have sent me something,what is it?" Sudama gave him the presene ,he brought.Krishana began to eat rice,each grain that he put in his mouth resulted in Sudama getting rid of his poverty.Rukmini who was standing by,felt that at this rate they would have nothing left for themselves.So she grabbed thr remaining rice and started eating it herself.
        A disappointed Sudama stared on his homeward journey thinking,"My friend has not given me anything.My trip has been a waste.' but he was mistaken.As he reached his village and looked up, a magnificent palace stood in place of his old hut ,his wife and children were decked out in fine cloths and his wife was wearing jewellary.All this was because of Krishana's love for his old friend.

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